Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Prayin' for my man

I want to give kudos to a recent article by Carolyn McCulley on Singleness is an "issue" on the hearts and minds of most of us 20-30 something ladies, so I am always thankful for encouragement or instruction in how to keep my heart and behavior acceptable as I wait....not so patiently many days. Carolyn said the following in her fourth point of how to be attractive in a godly way as we wait to be pursued:

"Proverbs 30:19 says that the way of a man with a maiden is amazing and wonderful, something too profound to be easily understood. So if Scripture says this is a mystery, why should we expect that some formula or method in the latest singles self-help book is going to solve it? When you think about it, it is amazing that two sinners can be drawn to each other (at the same time!) and then make a pledge to stick it out for the rest of their lives. Frankly, the longer I observe the mystery of marriage, the more I am in awe of God’s sovereign ability to bring two people together. So pray for the gift of marriage for yourself and your friends, pray for the single men you know to find a wife, pray for your pastors and your church to help single adults get married, pray that God will conform you as a fruitful helpmate to your future husband, pray for a humble man who listens for God’s voice—and then pray that God speaks your name to him."

I love specifics when given an assignment. So if you'll excuse me I have some prayin' to do.
To read the entire piece go to:
Also note the link to Carolyn's blog - Solo Femininity

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