Thursday, April 16, 2009

invisible children

I'm not even sure how to introduce this post. I know Africa is in crisis. I know it houses many orphans in its borders. I had no idea of what happened last Christmas. I don't watch or read much news, but I'm generally exposed to various major media sources and I've seen nothing of this history until today. I know that an evil dictator is kidnapping children and causing them to be soldiers in his rebel army, but I had no idea my generation was speaking out and raising awareness and support to this degree.

Please take the thirty minutes and watch this documentary all the way through. Let it get to your heart. Let it effect your world. Pass this information on to people you know who could take part. Take part in whatever way you can - talk about it, give, go. The April 25th event has groups in Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburg. Link, post to facebook, embed the video on your sites.....Pray! This movement started with three guys who like to make movies. If we can rally around an effort to recycle or do a can drive for a local food bank, or fill a hundred plastic Easter eggs with candy for a community event, we can do something about these children who are being abused, mutliated and killed.

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