Monday, October 29, 2007

contented heart

"If I am contented because I have what I desire, perhaps I am contented in that one thing, but that one thing does not furnish me with contentment in another thing; perhaps I may grow more dainty and nice and froward in other things. If you give children what they want in some things, they grow so much the more coy and dainty and discontented if they cannot have other things that they want. But if I have once overcome my heart, and am contented through the grace of God in my heart, then this makes me content not only in one particular but in general, whatever befalls me. "
- The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment - Jeremiah Burroughs

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Linda said...

Hey Rachel! I'm with you in the fight for contentment and all the disguises that try to parade as such. Love you and praying for you. :-)

Stephen Altrogge said...


Thanks for linking to our blog, I really appreciate it. Isn't Burroughs great?!

Anonymous said...

yes that quote is great - the whole book is excellent.

staceyhoff said...

Hi Rachel, I will have to check out this book! It sounds great! Contentment is so elusive when we set our hearts on other things,I so know. It is the human struggle!

So how are the girls doing,anyways? You have many mom's there right now? If I wasn't so blessed with my family responsibilities and privledges I'd so love to do the job that you are doing, I think I have told you that before ;)

Well, see you on Sunday, Lord willing :)